Testnet is back up and on the patched version. I will be taking Lamden Mainnet down now to apply the patch.

06 Apr 2023, 15:18
Testnet is back up and on the patched version. I will be taking Lamden Mainnet down now to apply the patch

Same news in other sources

LamdenTAU #8609
07 Apr 2023, 17:54
Lamden Link has been put in Maintenance mode until April 17th.
Lamden Link has been put in Maintenance mode until April 17th.
LamdenTAU #8609
07 Apr 2023, 14:41
Mainnet should be working. Support for Lamden is going on vacation until April 17th. If anything happens that cannot be fixed with a simple restart then the network will remain down till support is back. Lamden Link is back up, but I will be taking it back down in 2 hours and it will remain down till support is back from vacation. So it’s going on hiatus.
Mainnet should be working. Support for Lamden is going on vacation until April 17th.
Mainnet should be working. Support for Lamden is going on vacation until April 17th. If anything happens that cannot be fixed with a simple restart then the network will remain down till support is back. Lamden Link is back up, but I will be taking it back down in 2 hours and it will remain down till support is back from vacation. So it’s going on hiatus.